
Alcohol and Pregnancy: Ways Health Providers Can Better Intervene

September 1, 2023

Pregnant woman refusing a glass of wine.

胎儿酒精谱系障碍(FASDs)是一个总称,描述了胎儿一生的身体状况, behavioral, 在出生前接触过酒精的人可能会出现智力障碍. 产前酒精暴露也与流产风险增加有关, stillbirth, prematurity, and sudden infant death syndrome. Studies show that up to 1 in 20 U.S. 学龄儿童可能属于FASD谱系,其比例是自闭症的两倍多. FASDs can be prevented if pregnant people avoid alcohol. Recent estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 18-49岁成年人怀孕期间的酒精消费和酗酒——美国, 2018–2020 (PDF), 在过去的30天里,近14%的孕妇报告饮酒,约5%的孕妇报告酗酒.

Barriers Pregnant People Who Consume Alcohol Face in Seeking Help

有复杂的社会和环境因素可能导致孕妇饮酒, 但围绕着他们的耻辱往往阻止他们向卫生保健提供者透露自己的饮酒情况. 这种耻辱源于社会观念,即fasd是一个人在怀孕期间喝酒的个人决定的产物, 即使这个人不知道自己怀孕了,或者在没有支持的情况下无法停止饮酒. 因此,孕妇感到内疚和羞耻,可能不寻求适当的保健服务.

卫生保健提供者的酒精筛查和短暂干预(SBI)在减少过度饮酒方面是有效的. 酒精SBI包括询问一组有效的筛选问题,以确定患者的饮酒模式. 接下来是与饮酒量超过推荐量的患者进行简短的交谈, as well as referral to treatment when appropriate. However, 许多卫生保健提供者没有接受过关于如何与病人谈论酒精使用并向他们提供所需资源的正式培训. Furthermore, some U.S. states have laws criminalizing substance use during pregnancy, 这会削弱保密的医患关系,侵蚀对医疗系统的信任, making people less likely to seek help when they need it. Such laws disproportionately impact people of color, those with less access to substance use treatment, and people with less access to economic resources, thus, exacerbating health disparities in society.

What 趣赢平台 Is Doing


  • FASD United—a national organization that supports families living with FASDs
  • 美国妇产科医师学会(ACOG)是美国妇产科医师的专业协会.S.

这两个组织合作对抗临床医生可能在不知不觉中对生母持有的污名, 并帮助临床医生了解怀孕期间饮酒的现实意义及其在FASD预防中的作用. 在全国医疗住院医师项目的合作中, ACOG’s physician champions and FASD United-trained speakers, 哪些女性从酒精使用障碍中恢复稳定,并且有一个患有酒精使用障碍的孩子, 共同向卫生保健提供者呈现关于fasd的临床事实和个人叙述.

评估结果表明,耻辱和对起诉的恐惧使孕妇不敢公开发言, and health care providers need to take time to listen and develop trust. 酒精SBI首先要为病人创造一个不加评判、值得信赖和安全的空间. 将医生的医学专业知识与fasd儿童母亲的生活经验相结合,为卫生保健提供者提供了一种基于移情的学习方法, 提高他们对提供者偏见的认识,以及不询问患者饮酒情况的后果. For details, see: 结合医生的专业知识和妇女的生活经验,教育卫生专业人员预防胎儿酒精谱系障碍- PubMed (nih).gov)

As September is FASD Awareness Month, it provides a great opportunity for all to learn about the issue, counter the stigma surrounding alcohol use during pregnancy, and support broader efforts toward the prevention of FASDs.



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